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Free Challenge

Those who join will be entered to win over $200 in prizes!

Join the challenge for support, accountability, resources, and to be entered to win over $200 in prizes!

Prize #1: Work With Me 1:1 ($180 Value) - includes:  

  • Full nutrition assessment, personalized recommendations, action plan & meal guide to help you achieve your goals + Q&

Prize #2: Two winners will win a FREE copy of any one of my three digital products (Low Glycemic Index Cookbook, Healthy Eating Meal Plan, or Complete Wellness Guide)

The challenge will focus on two main goals:


Eating MORE: fruits and veggies (at least 5 servings) (if you want to throw in a goal to eat more lean protein and healthy fats, I’ll include that as well)


*A serving of fruit or veggies is only ½ cup, or one small fruit, so it’s really not that hard. If you are currently only consuming 0-1, then aiming for 3 will be sufficient for the challenge.


Eating LESS: Reduce refined 'high calorie/low nutrient foods' (e.g., candy, chips, chocolate, baked goods, fast food, fried foods, etc.)


*For the ‘less’ category, this is going to be different for everyone. I want you to realistically look at your current consumption, and I want you to cut your weekly total in half, AND your portion sizes in half. Filling up on nutritious foods will help with your cravings, as well as shifting your mindset…and we’ll talk more about this throughout the challenge.


Are you in?! More details can be found in the video below, and full details are given after you enter the challenge (details on how to enter are below). This video was taken from a Facebook live I did in the free Facebook community above. 

How To Enter

Step 1: Join the free Sustain Nutrition Facebook Community by clicking here 

*(Those who join the community will also have access to free Facebook lives, and a chance to earn extra points/entries)


 Step 2: Click the button below and enter your name and email! 

Full details will be made available once you join via Facebook or email. You can also watch the video above for some more details. 

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